Quotes About Cheerleading

Famous quotes about cheerleading that provide us with an inspirational insight. Cheerleading does not always mean a sports event but can also denote enthusiasm for a product launch or for a fund raising event. Cheerleading is all about demonstrated vigour of getting emotion into motion.

"Cheerleading doesn't just mean the standard cheers given at game events but can also mean cheerleading done with colleagues for a job well done, or even cheerleading to ramp up the vigour of putting a plan into motion." Byron Pulsifer
"Simply because we do not run across goal lines, slam dunk basketballs, or hit home runs, doesn't mean we can't change the score." Author Unknown
"Players: A vital part of any sporting event, they entertain the crowd in the intervals between timeouts so the cheerleaders can take a well-earned break." Author Unknown
"Lets just get everyone going and cry out a cheer of goodwill. Cheerleading can be done by one and all so get in the spirit and let them all know you are more than alive." Byron Pulsifer
"All women are created equal...then a few become cheerleaders!" Erica Gardner
"Any man can hold a girl's hand, but only the elite can hold her feet." Author Unknown
"There is no halftime for cheerleaders!" Author Unknown

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